Dr. Joe Muscolino has been running cadaver observation lab workshops for more than 20 years. Cadaver observation lab workshops are run at the University of Bridgeport, College of Chiropractic in Bridgeport, Connecticut.
Human cadaver workshops are either four or six hours in length. The difference between the four and six-hour workshops is the amount of time spent and therefore, the number of structures that can be seen and the amount of detail that can be explored.
The four-hour workshop is recommended for the first time participant. Every major skeletal muscle of the body is seen, as well as time spent on the major internal visceral organs.
The longer workshops are truly better because more is seen and learned. These longer workshops are best for the more motivated and ambitious students (first time or otherwise). The longer time frame allows for most every skeletal muscle to be seen, including smaller muscles of the forearm, hand and foot, as well as more time spent with the internal viscera. More time also allows for comparison time to be spent looking at the same muscles or structures in different cadavers and also time spent seeing whatever pathologic conditions might be present, such as arteriosclerosis, polycystic kidneys, etc. Finally, the longer workshop allows for us to slow down and take our time and also for more questions to be asked and discussed.
So if you cannot make it to one of Dr. Joe’s Cadaver Observation/Dissection Labs, then the next best thing is to see cadaver lab video lessons by joining LMCE.
And LMCE has more than 3,000 other video lessons, including full workshops, and over 310 free NCBTMB Continuing Education credit hours!
Click here for more information and/or to sign up and receive a 10% lifetime discount to LMCE with coupon code lmce10!
A maximum of 22 participants are admitted so that everyone can see and have the opportunity to palpate, if desired.
Contact hours of continuing education through the National Certification Board for Therapeutic Massage and Bodywork (NCBTMB) are given to massage therapists and bodyworkers.
The cadavers that are used are already dissected by the Chiropractic students. The focus of the workshop is to have the structures (that are already dissected) displayed to the workshop participants. The emphasis is primarily upon the muscular system, but some time is spent seeing the internal viscera such as the heart, lungs etc.
Multiple cadavers are used so that a better sense of the variability of the structures of the body can be seen.
The main point of the cadaver lab is to see all of the structures that you have studied for so long. There is no pressure to have to do anything except observe. If you would like, you certainly may palpate the structures. Latex (and non-latex gloves for those who are allergic) will be provided for those who do wish to palpate.
I often like to say that being a Massage Therapist, or any type of bodyworker, and never having seen the inside of the human body is like being a car mechanic and never having opened up the hood!
Note: If you have a group and you would like to have a cadaver lab done specifically for your group, cadaver labs of different lengths and focuses can be created to meet the needs of your group. Please click the “Contact” button above and leave an email regarding what you would like.
Click here for a video from a recent Cadaver workshop.