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- Use of this artwork requires proper credit to be given (Permission: Dr. Joe Muscolino. www.learnmuscles.com – art work Giovanni Rimasti)
The Extensor Digitorum is in the Superficial Layer of the Posterior Compartment of the forearm.
- Lateral epicondyle of the humerus via the common extensor belly/tendon to fingers #2-5 (index, middle, ring, little).
- The distal attachments are onto the posterior surfaces of the middle and distal phalanges of fingers #2-5 via the dorsal digital expansion.
- Extends fingers #2-5 at the metacarpophalangeal and proximal and distal interphalangeal joints.
- Extends the hand at the wrist joint.
- The extensor digitorum distal tendons spread out to create a fibrous aponeurosis called the dorsal digital expansion.
- The extensor carpi ulnaris is often involved with lateral elbow tendinopathy (aka tennis elbow).
- Some textbooks refer to the extensor digitorum as the extensor digitorum communis.