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- Use of this artwork requires proper credit to be given (Permission: Dr. Joe Muscolino. www.learnmuscles.com – art work Giovanni Rimasti)
The Flexor Digiti Minimi Pedis is an intrinsic muscle of the foot located in Plantar Layer III. The muscles located in Plantar Layer III are:
- Flexor hallucis brevis
- Flexor digiti minimi pedis
- Adductor hallucis
- Fifth metatarsal to the little toe (toe #5).
- The proximal attachment is also into the distal tendon of fibularis longus.
- The distal attachment is onto the plantar surface of the proximal phalanx of the little toe.
- Flexes the little toe at the metatarsophalangeal joint.
NOTE: Sometimes the flexor digiti minimi pedis is known as the flexor digiti minimi brevis, but this name makes no sense because there is no flexor digiti minimi longus from which to distinguish it with the addition of the word brevis.