Hypothenar Eminence Group

Joe Muscolino

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The hypothenar eminence group of intrinsic muscles of the hand: abductor digiti minimi manus, flexor digiti minimi manus, and opponens digiti minimi.

The Hypothenar Eminence Group of intrinsic muscles of the hand is composed of the:

  • Abductor digiti minimi manus
  • Flexor digiti minimi manus
  • Opponens digiti minimi
  • (the Palmaris brevis could also be considered to be in the hypothenar eminence group)



  • The muscles of the hypothenar eminence group attach from the transverse carpal ligament and the hamate and pisiform to the little finger.
    • The abductor digiti minimi manus and flexor digiti minimi manus attach distally onto the proximal phalanx of the little finger.
    • The opponens digiti minimi attaches distally onto the metacarpal of the little finger.
    • The transverse carpal ligament is also known as the flexor retinaculum.



  • Abducts the little finger at the metacarpophalangeal joint.
  • Flexes the little finger at the metacarpophalangeal joint.
  • Opposes the little finger at the carpometacarpal joint.
  • Flexes the little finger at the carpometacarpal joint.
  • Laterally rotates the little finger at the carpometacarpal joint.
  • Adducts the little finger at the carpometacarpal joint.



  1. All three muscles of the thenar eminence group attach onto the little finger.
  2. There are three analogous muscles of the thenar eminence group that attach onto the thumb: abductor pollicis brevis, flexor pollicis brevis, and opponens pollicis.