
Joe Muscolino

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    • The patella (knee cap) is located on the distal anterior femur.
    • The patella articulates posteriorly with the femur, forming the patellofemoral joint.



    1. The articular cartilage on the posterior (underside) of the patella is the thickest articular cartilage in the human body.
    2. When degeneration of the articular cartilage of the patella occurs, it is called patellofemoral syndrome (aka as chondromalacia patella).
    3. The patella only articulates with the femur, never with the tibia or fibula.
    4. The patella functions to increase the leverage force of the quadriceps femoris musculature contraction by holding the quadriceps tendon farther from the mediolateral axis of motion at the knee joint.


    Anterior, proximal (superior), and posterior views of the patella on the right side of the body.

    Anterior, proximal (superior), and posterior views of the patella on the right side of the body.