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- Right click on the image for a downloadable file of this muscle.
- Use of this artwork requires proper credit to be given (Permission: Dr. Joe Muscolino. www.learnmuscles.com – art work Giovanni Rimasti)
The muscles or the Auricularis Group are located in the scalp. The muscles of the scalp are:
- Occipitofrontalis
- Temporoparietalis
- Auricularis Group
Auricularis Superior:
- Galea aponeurotica to the superior ear.
Auricularis Anterior:
- Galea aponeurotica to the anterior ear.
Auricularis Posterior:
- Temporal bone to the posterior ear.
- Elevates the ear (auricularis superior).
- Draws anteriorly the ear (auricularis anterior).
- Draws posteriorly the ear (auricularis posterior).
- The auricularis muscles are nonfunctional in many people.
- The auricularis muscles are extremely functional in many animals, e.g., dogs.
- The temporoparietalis can also elevate the ear.