Dorsal Interossei Manus – Stretching

Joe Muscolino

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    The dorsal interossei manus (of the central compartment group) are stretched with adduction of the index and ring fingers, and with ulnar and radial abduction of the middle finger at the metacarpophalangeal joints.


    The central compartment is composed of the:


    The dorsal interossei manus (of the central compartment group) are stretched with adduction of the index and ring fingers, and with ulnar and radial abduction of the middle finger at the metacarpophalangeal joints. Figures from left to right: adduction of the index finger, ulnar abduction of the middle finger, radial abduction of the middle finger, adduction of the ring finger.

    The dorsal interossei manus (of the central compartment group) are stretched with adduction of the index and ring fingers, and with ulnar and radial abduction of the middle finger at the metacarpophalangeal joints. Figures from left to right: adduction of the index finger, ulnar abduction of the middle finger, radial abduction of the middle finger, adduction of the ring finger.