
Joe Muscolino

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Multifidus muscles on the right side of the body. The rotatores have been ghosted in on the left.

The Multifidus is a member of the Transversospinalis (Paraspinal*) group, composed of:

  • Semispinalis
  • Multifidus
  • Rotatores

*The term paraspinal usually denotes the muscles of the erector spinae group as well as the muscles of the transversospinalis group.


The Multifidus has three parts: Multifidus Lumborum, Multifidus Thoracis, Multifidus Cervicis.

Further, there are shorter Multifidus Brevi and longer Multifidus Longi.



  • Sacrum to the axis (C2).
    • The most inferior attachments are onto the sacrum, PSIS, and sacroiliac ligament.
    • Inferior attachments in the lumbar region: mamillary processes.
    • Inferior attachments in the thoracic region: transverse processes.
    • Inferior attachments in the cervical region: articular processes.
    • Superior attachments are onto spinous processes, as high as the axis (C2).



  • Extends the neck and trunk at the spinal joints.
  • Laterally flexes the neck and trunk at the spinal joints.
  • Contralaterally rotates the neck and trunk at the spinal joints.
  • Anteriorly tilts the pelvis at the lumbosacral joint.
  • Ipsilaterally elevates the pelvis at the lumbosacral joint.



  1. Transversospinalis musculature generally runs from transverse processes inferiorly (transverso) to spinous processes superiorly (spinalis).
  2. Multifidus musculature attaches from the transverse process of a vertebra below to the spinous process of a vertebra 3-4 levels above (3 levels: brevi; 4 levels: longi).
  3. The multifidus’ inferior attachments are actually onto mamillary processes in the lumbar spine and articular processes in the cervical spine.
  4. The multifidus is the largest muscle in the lumbar region.