This blog post article is the first in a series of ten articles on Deep Pressure Massage of the Neck
Introduction to Deep Pressure Massage of the Neck
Soft tissue manipulation / massage technique is a type of manual therapy that involves the introduction of force (pressure) by physically pressing into the soft tissues of the client’s body, usually the muscles and fascial tissues. The purposes of introducing pressure to physically work on the client’s tissues are many. They include producing changes in local fluid circulation, affecting neural proprioceptive feedback loops, and physically breaking patterns of fascial adhesions. The pressure that is applied can range from very light to very deep. Not everyone wants or needs to have deep pressure massage (deep tissue massage) work performed; certainly, there are times when light work is preferable. However, when deep pressure massage is desired or needed, it is important for you to be able to generate this deep pressure with the least amount of effort and physical stress to your body. In essence, this series of blog post articles is about learning how to employ proper body mechanics so that you work smart instead of working hard. The body mechanics that are/will be demonstrated can be applied to all manual therapy strokes and techniques.
Note: For the most part, the terms “deep pressure massage” and “deep tissue massage” can be used synonymously. However, a distinction can be made. Deep tissue work implies that deeper tissues are the target structures being worked. Deep pressure does not; it can be employed for deeper or superficial tissues. However, because deep tissues usually require deeper pressure to reach them, these terms can usually be used interchangeably.
Efficient biomechanics for performing deep pressure massage techniques for the musculature of the posterior neck are identical to the biomechanical principles and guidelines for doing deep tissue work for any part of the body because biomechanical principles follow the basic laws of physics. Creating pressure is a matter of generating force into the client’s tissues. Force can be generated in two ways: externally or internally. The external generation of force comes from the force of gravity by using our body weight. The internal generation of force comes from the contraction of our muscles.
This blog post article is one of ten articles on Deep Pressure Massage Technique to the Neck.
The ten articles are:
- Introduction to Deep Pressure Massage Technique to the Neck
- Neck Deep Pressure Massage: Using Bodyweight and Muscular Effort
- Neck Deep Pressure Massage: Overview
- Neck Deep Pressure Massage: Step by Step – Positioning
- Neck Deep Pressure Massage:Â Step by Step – Contacts
- Neck Deep Pressure Massage:Â Step by Step – Use Your Core
- Neck Deep Pressure Massage:Â Step by Step – Apply Pressure Perpendiculary
- Neck Deep Pressure Massage:Â Step by Step – Engage the Tissues
- Neck Deep Pressure Massage:Â Step by Step – Deep Stroking Massage
- Neck Deep Pressure Massage: Prone and Side-Lying
(Click here for the blog post article: Motion Palpation (Joint Play) Assessment of the Neck.)