Extensor Digiti Minimi

Joe Muscolino

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The extensor digiti minimi is seen. The extensor digitorum has been ghosted in.

The Extensor Digiti Minimi is in the Superficial Layer of the Posterior Compartment of the forearm.



  • Lateral epicondyle of the humerus via the common extensor belly/tendon to the little finger (finger #5).
    • The distal attachment is into the ulnar side of the distal tendon of the extensor digitorum that goes to the little finger.



  • Extends the little finger at the metacarpophalangeal and proximal and distal interphalangeal joints.
  • Extends the hand at the wrist joint.



  1. The extensor digiti minimi is often involved with lateral elbow tendinopathy (aka tennis elbow).
  2. Of fingers #2-5 (index, middle, ring, and little), only the index and little fingers have a second long extrinsic extensor muscle (the index finger has the extensor indicis).