body language and teaching

Body Language – From Commons Signs to Spotting Lies

Body Language

body language and teachingThe following is a blog post article contributed to us from Daisy May Hartwell. In this blog post article, Daisy discusses 30 simple and straight-forward tips for understanding body language communication. By better understanding these clues to people’s non verbal communication, we can improve both how we communicate with others and better understand how others communicate with us!


Body language skills are important to all of us. But they are especially important if you are a teacher and want to effectively communicate with your students. Perhaps the body language that you are using is not supporting the words that you are saying? Read this article and see how you can improve your body language skills.

Then check below for a link to another great blog post article on how to be a great teacher!

Additional Note:

These tips are guidelines, not hard and fast rules. Please do keep in mind that each of these gestures does not necessarily mean that the person using the gesture feels or intends what is stated here for it. Each person is unique and may have developed certain gestures that are unique to them. Having said this, general guidelines are generally true. So I hope you enjoy and learn from this post. 🙂

Infographic by Daisy Hartwell Custom-Writing.Org This blog post was contributed by Daisy May Hartwell.

Comment by Joseph Muscolino

Communication is so incredibly important for all of us. Many people believe that they simply communicate with their words; but the non-verbal clues to our thoughts and intentions that we communicate with body language are likely to be just as important or even more important than what we say. Body language communicates our feelings and intentions.

There is an old saying: “People will not care what you know until they know that you care.”

Working with your body language can help you to more effectively communicate and connect with people. Understanding the body language of others can help us more effectively understand what they are trying to communicate. Daisy’s tips here are incredibly simple and effective toward helping us improve our communication!

Fun Exercise

Here is a fun exercise to help you practice your body language reading skills. Turn on a movie or tv show, but turn the sound off so you cannot hear what is being said. We might not be able to understand intellectually what is being communicated, but it is amazing that when there are no words to distract us, how much better we can read the body language and intuit what the feelings and emotions of the people are. In many ways, reading body language without words gives us a better understanding of communication than listening to the words!

Daisy is a writer & Blogger. Here is her contact information. 

w: CW blog                       e: [email protected]

t: @DaisyHartwell             f: Daisy.May.Hartwell

For more great tips, click the following link: Custom-Writing.Org

(Click here for the blog post article: What Makes a Great Teacher?)

Did you know that Digital COMT (Digital Clinical Orthopedic Manual Therapy), Dr. Joe Muscolino’s video streaming subscription service for manual and movement therapists, has an entire folder with video lessons on tips for teachers and students? Digital COMT adds seven new video lessons each and every week. And nothing ever goes away! Click here for more information.