So now we know why we stretch – to benefit our body and mind. Let’s see some techniques of stretching that might be of assistance.
Healthy Lifestyle for Students During Exams
Healthy Lifestyle – Engaging in physical activity does wonders for your mental health. You stimulate the release chemicals such as endorphins and serotonin.
Body Language – From Commons Signs to Spotting Lies
Here is a fun exercise to help you practice your body language reading skills. Turn on a movie or tv show, but turn the sound off. It is amazing when there are no words to distract us, how much better we can read the body language and understand the feelings and emotions of the communication.
20 Memory Tips to Improve Your Learning
The following is a blog post article contributed to us from Daisy May Hartwell. In this blog post article, Daisy discusses 20 simple and straight-forward tips that we can employ to improve our memory and improve our learning!
What Makes A Great Teacher?
I would like to propose that there are certain tangible factors, and perhaps a few intangible factors, that make a teacher great. I believe these factors are knowledge, clear and linear presentation, passion, entertainment, the ability to apply, and caring.
Student Tip for Improving Memory – Memory is the residue of thought…
Two main points for improving memory: Memory is the residue of thought. A cue is needed to recall something that has been successfully committed to memory.
Thinking Fast Makes you Happier! – Tip for Teachers and Students
People become happier when they think fast. It does not matter what was, the simple act of generating thoughts quickly made the participants happier.