Whether you’re dealing with post-workout soreness, stress-induced tightness, or everyday aches, this guide has you covered.
Why Stretching is Extremely Important for Student Health
So now we know why we stretch – to benefit our body and mind. Let’s see some techniques of stretching that might be of assistance.
Post-Exercise Massage and Muscle Stiffness
Post-exercise massage is commonly adminstered to reduce muscle stiffness. This study explores the effectiveness of post-exercise massage after running.
Fascial Thickness and Aging
The authors suggest that increased fascial thickness in the lumbar spine of elderly implies that the fascia dynamically adapts to the forces acting upon it.
The Effect of Stretching on Flexibility and Joint Range of Motion
All types of stretching showed joint range of motion improvements over the long term, however, static stretching technique showed the greatest improvement.
Extrapolating from a Research Study – Foam Rolling Increases Joint ROM
I would like to use this research study and article as a launching board for how we interpret and apply the results of a research study.
Contralateral Effects – Train One Limb and the Other Limb Becomes Stronger
The implications for contralateral effects are tremendous. Any patient/client who has had an injury, and therefore immobilization / disuse for a period of time, should be able to preserve the strength of the musculature of the immobilized limb by performing resistance training of the healthy, non-immobilized limb.
Feeling back stiffness may be all in the head, not in the back
Feelings of back stiffness may be a subjective protective construct of the mind, rather than reflecting objective biomechanical properties of the back.