There is a very simple exercise you can do to illustrate the continuity in the Superficial Back Line myofascial chain between gastrocnemius and hamstrings.
Extrapolating from a Research Study – Foam Rolling Increases Joint ROM
I would like to use this research study and article as a launching board for how we interpret and apply the results of a research study.
What Makes Kenyan Distance Runners the World’s Best?
Running economy for distance runners is a complex multi-factorial measure of running efficiency, which reflects the combined functioning of biomechanical, neuromuscular, metabolic, and cardio-respiratory factors, some of which are hereditary and some of which adapt to coaching.
The Twisted Structure of the Achilles Tendon
A study from Belgium also showed that the Achilles tendon displayed a twisted structure, with the greatest twisting found in the deep (anterior) layer of the tendon (lateral gastrocnemius and soleus).
Neural Effects of Muscle Stretching on Local and Non-Local Muscles
Muscle stretching has inhibitory effects on spinal cord stretch reflexes in both stretched muscles and also non-local non-stretched muscles of the same leg.