The principle of “creep” states that a sustained force placed upon a tissue will deform that tissue to the force. In this study of foam rolling the ITB…
Massage of the Plantar Fascia Increases Hamstring Flexibility
This study found that remote stretching via self-myofascial release using foam roller massage of the plantar fascia does increase hamstring extensibility.
Extrapolating from a Research Study – Foam Rolling Increases Joint ROM
I would like to use this research study and article as a launching board for how we interpret and apply the results of a research study.
Foam Rolling the Posterior Leg Decreases Spinal Excitability of the Soleus
This study showed evidence that foam rolling induced modulation of spinal nervous system excitability (in other words, change in the sensitivity of the muscle spindle reflex).
How to Best Clear Blood Lactate Levels After Strenuous Exercise
The authors of this study concluded that foam rolling and running are better than resting at clearing blood lactose after strenuous exercise.
Can manual therapy alter the thoracolumbar fascia?
To believe that manual therapy cannot affect the structure of thoracolumbar fascia is to deny the fundamental characteristic of soft tissue known as creep!
What are the self-care and medical approaches to plantar fasciitis?
For the long term treatment of plantar fasciitis, the underlying cause of the overpronation (collapsed arch structure), if present, must be addressed.
Self-care and medical approaches to iliotibial band friction syndrome
Self-care for iliotibial band friction syndrome (ITBFS) begins with RICE: rest, ice, compression, and elevation. And offending activities should be avoided.
How do we treat iliotibial band friction syndrome with manual therapy?
Manual therapy for iliotibial band friction syndrome is directed toward reducing the inflammation of the condition and correcting its underlying cause.