In my Ask Me Anything series of Blog Posts, the following questions was asked: Question: I have flat feet and overpronation. Will Pilates exercises help me resolve the problem? Or are orthotics my only option for preventing problems …
Decreased Ankle Dorsiflexion is Associated with Dynamic Knee Valgus
A proposed biomechanical explanation is that restricted ankle joint dorsiflexion directly results in overpronation of the foot, which causes internal rotation of the lower extremity, which strains the external/abductor musculature, which can then no longer prevent femoral adduction; hence genu valgus.
How Can Tight Muscles of the Hip Joint Cause a Scoliosis?
So, if hip abductor group on one side is tighter at baseline tone than the hip adductor group on that side, the pelvis will be pulled into depression on that side, resulting in a lumbar scoliosis that is convex on that side. Similarly, tight opposite-side hip adductor musculature can cause the same scoliotic curve.
What are the self-care and medical approaches to plantar fasciitis?
For the long term treatment of plantar fasciitis, the underlying cause of the overpronation (collapsed arch structure), if present, must be addressed.
Signs, Symptoms, and Assessment of Plantar Fasciitis
The most common symptom of plantar fasciitis is pain, usually worst in the morning, on the plantar side of the foot, located near the calcaneal attachment.
A manual therapy case study on overpronation.
Case Study: Kerrati came in for wellness massage, but during the postural examination, the therapist noticed that her right arch drops markedly.
What are the self-care and medical approaches to overpronation?
Evertor muscles of the foot should be strengthened in a client who has the postural dysfunction pattern of overpronation (dropped arch).
How do we treat overpronation with manual therapy?
The role of manual therapy for a rigid flat foot (overpronation) is to loosen fascial adhesions that are locking the bones in a position of pronation.
Signs, symptoms, and assessment (diagnosis) of overpronation
The first and most obvious sign of overpronation is a flat foot / dropped arch. A supple flat foot loses the arch only when weight bearing.
What is overpronation and what are its causes?
A supple flat foot is caused by either lax ligaments and/or weak musculature that cannot support the arch when weight-bearing.