The anterior talofibular and calcaneofibular ligaments are connected and can be considered to be one structure: the lateral fibulotalocalcaneal ligament.
Why Does Static Stretching Cause Muscle Weakness?
Two primary hypotheses have been proposed to explain the stretching-induced force deficit, in other words, the muscle weakness…
How Michael Jackson Defied Biomechanics
The authors stated that Michael Jackson challenged our understanding of the modes and mechanisms of movement, the limits of movement, and therefore mechanisms of spinal injury. Dancers often try to perform increasingly challenging moves that may create stresses on the spine that can cause injury.
Decreased Ankle Dorsiflexion is Associated with Dynamic Knee Valgus
A proposed biomechanical explanation is that restricted ankle joint dorsiflexion directly results in overpronation of the foot, which causes internal rotation of the lower extremity, which strains the external/abductor musculature, which can then no longer prevent femoral adduction; hence genu valgus.