These findings of altered movement and glide support the concept that altered mechanics of the sacroiliac joint are correlated with the presence of pain.
How Pilates Can Treat Thoracic Hyperkyphosis, also known as Rounded Back
When a client presents with thoracic hyperkyphosis (rounded back), there are many approaches for how Pilates can treat thoracic hyperkyphosis. And for each of these approaches, many Pilates exercises can be utilized. Before addressing these approaches, let’s briefly review thoracic hyperkyphosis…
How Michael Jackson Defied Biomechanics
The authors stated that Michael Jackson challenged our understanding of the modes and mechanisms of movement, the limits of movement, and therefore mechanisms of spinal injury. Dancers often try to perform increasingly challenging moves that may create stresses on the spine that can cause injury.
FREE DCOMT video – Stretching the Rectus Femoris Hip Flexor
Stretching the rectus femoris of the quadriceps femoris group. The rectus femoris is the only quadricep muscle that crosses the hip joint. It crosses it anteriorly with a vertical direction to its fibers, so it flexes the thigh at the hip joint and it anteriorly tilts the pelvis at the hip joint.
Postural Assessment of the Low Back and Pelvis
Good posture is defined as a balanced posture that is symmetrical and does not place excessive stress on the tissues of the body.
Lower Crossed Syndrome
The lumbosacral spine should have a healthy anterior pelvic tilt and lumbar lordosis. If they are excessive, the client has lower crossed syndrome.
Motions of the Joints of the Pelvis (sacroiliac joints)
Motions of the Joints of the Pelvis This blog post article is an overview of the motions of the joints of the pelvis: the paired left and right sacroiliac joints and the symphysis pubis joint. For more complete coverage of …
Psoas Major Function: Spinal Joint Actions – Sagittal Plane
The psoas major’s sagittal plane lumbar spine joint action is by far its most controversial function. The term “psoas paradox” describes this controversy.
Psoas Major Function: Hip Joint Actions – Sagittal Plane
Note: This is the third blog post article in a series of 11 articles on Psoas Major Function. See below for the other articles in this series on psoas major function. The hip joint is a triaxial joint that allows …