Self care for a low back strain / sprain involves avoiding offending postures and activities such as bending and lifting, and using heat and stretching.
Increased Muscle Activation in Back Line Myofascial Continuity
The authors concluded that low back pain may cause activation of the low back musculature elsewhere along the Superficial Back Line Myofascial Continuity.
How Michael Jackson Defied Biomechanics
The authors stated that Michael Jackson challenged our understanding of the modes and mechanisms of movement, the limits of movement, and therefore mechanisms of spinal injury. Dancers often try to perform increasingly challenging moves that may create stresses on the spine that can cause injury.
Five Muscles of Sacroiliac Stabilization – Part 3 – Hamstrings
The connection between the hamstrings and the sacroiliac joint is through what is known as the superficial back line myofascial meridian/anatomy train. If the hamstrings are tight, their tension pulling force will be exerted through the sacrotuberous ligament and onto the sacrum.
Muscles of the Lumbar Spine of the Trunk
Structural groups of muscles largely determine functional groups—that is, the structural location of a muscle largely determines its mover function.
Musculature of the Cervical Spine
To perform orthopedic manual therapy to the neck that is accurate and specific, we need to know the attachments and actions of the muscles of the neck.
Self-care and medical approaches to tight spasmed muscles in the low back
Self-care for the client/patient with low back muscle spasm should include moist heat followed by stretching. Double knee to chest stretch is beneficial.
What are the causes of low back muscle spasming?
Low back muscle spasming is common because lumbar extensor muscles must contract eccentrically, isometrically, and concentrically whenever we bend forward.