For scapular upward rotation to occur, scapular downward rotator musculature must lengthen. If scapular downward rotation muscles are tight, they might not be flexible enough to allow for scapular upward rotation, thereby causing shoulder impingement syndrome to occur.
Five Muscles of Sacroiliac Stabilization – Part 3 – Hamstrings
The connection between the hamstrings and the sacroiliac joint is through what is known as the superficial back line myofascial meridian/anatomy train. If the hamstrings are tight, their tension pulling force will be exerted through the sacrotuberous ligament and onto the sacrum.
Five Muscles of Sacroiliac Stabilization – Part 2 – Coccygeus and Others
The coccygeus and levator ani are technically muscles of the pelvic floor, however, they are also muscles whose contraction forces cross the sacroiliac joint and therefore often tighten when a sacroiliac joint condition exists. The coccygeus attaches from the sacrum and coccyx to the ischial spine of the pelvic bone.
Five Muscles of Sacroiliac Stabilization – Part 1 – Piriformis
Even when the original reason for the sacroiliac stabilization is valid, often the human body overdoes it and tightens the musculature excessively and/or keeps it tight long after it needs to be, so the musculature becomes stuck in a chronic pattern of hypertonicity.
Neck Deep Pressure Massage: Step by Step – Apply Pressure Perpendicularly
When performing deep pressure massage into the neck, maximal pressure for minimal effort is achieved if the angle of your pressure into the client is perpendicular to the contour of the neck where you are working.
What is the “True” Function of the Gluteus Medius?
The major function of the gluteus medius is its “reverse” closed-chain action of pelvic depression at the hip joint to stabilize the pelvis when walking.
Psoas Major Function: Psoas Major and the Sacroiliac Joint
The psoas major crosses the hip and spinal joints. However, it is often overlooked that the psoas major also crosses the sacroiliac joint.
Psoas Major Function: Stabilization of the Spine by the Psoas Major
A healthy joint is both mobile and stable. However, some sources are concerned about the psoas major’s compression/stabilization effect upon the spine.
Biomechanics of the Pilates Mat Abdominal Series
5 Pilates Mat Abdominal Series exercises: Single Leg Stretch, Double Leg Stretch, Single Straight Leg Stretch, Double Straight Leg Stretch, & Criss-Cross.
Manual Therapy Certification for Pilates Instructors
Pilates is kinesthetic. Verbal talking to direct your client is not. Hands-on Manual direction is. Plain and simple, Pilates is a kinesthetic endeavor.
What is Manual Therapy?
The following techniques are considered to be Manual Therapy techniques: Massage (Soft Tissue Manipulation), Stretching, Joint Mobilization, Hydrotherapy.