posterior glide / translation motion of the spine

Motions of the Cervical Spine

Table 1 shows average healthy ranges of axial motion of the cervical spine (head and neck), from the atlanto-occipital joint through the C7-T1 joint.

Manual Therapy Certification teaches assessment and treatment skills such as piriformis palpation seen here

Manual Therapy Certification for Massage Therapists

There are two major reasons why a massage therapist should consider working toward and earning a Continuing Education Certificate in Manual Therapy.

joint mobilization of the lumbar spine into rotation

What is Joint Mobilization?

Grades IV and V joint mobilization are essentially pin and stretch technique.
Bone “A” is pinned and then Bone “B” is moved relative to Bone “A.”

One of the skill sets of manual therapy is stretching: here we see a stretch to the abductors of the hip joint

What is Manual Therapy?

The following techniques are considered to be Manual Therapy techniques: Massage (Soft Tissue Manipulation), Stretching, Joint Mobilization, Hydrotherapy.