In my Ask Me Anything series of Blog Posts, the following questions was asked: Question: I have flat feet and overpronation. Will Pilates exercises help me resolve the problem? Or are orthotics my only option for preventing problems …
ASK Dr. Joe – “Ask Me Anything”
I am creating a new blog post feature to my content called Ask Dr. Joe, or perhaps better put, Ask Me Anything*. With Ask Me Anything, you can write to me by email ( and ask me any question about: …
Elongation of the Spine
Elongation of the spine is often spoken of by Pilates instructors. But what exactly is elongation of the spine and how is it achieved biomechanically?
How Pilates Can Treat Thoracic Hyperkyphosis, also known as Rounded Back
When a client presents with thoracic hyperkyphosis (rounded back), there are many approaches for how Pilates can treat thoracic hyperkyphosis. And for each of these approaches, many Pilates exercises can be utilized. Before addressing these approaches, let’s briefly review thoracic hyperkyphosis…
Healthy at Home: Maintaining a Balanced Lifestyle with Diabetes
Diabetes is no longer a dreaded condition that confines people to a life of bland foods, self-injections and the constant monitoring of glucose and insulin levels. By observing some basic dietary rules, individuals with diabetes can lead perfectly happy and normal lives.
Biomechanics of the Pilates Mat Abdominal Series
5 Pilates Mat Abdominal Series exercises: Single Leg Stretch, Double Leg Stretch, Single Straight Leg Stretch, Double Straight Leg Stretch, & Criss-Cross.
Manual Therapy Certification for Pilates Instructors
Pilates is kinesthetic. Verbal talking to direct your client is not. Hands-on Manual direction is. Plain and simple, Pilates is a kinesthetic endeavor.
What is Manual Therapy?
The following techniques are considered to be Manual Therapy techniques: Massage (Soft Tissue Manipulation), Stretching, Joint Mobilization, Hydrotherapy.
A manual therapy case study on lower crossed syndrome.
Case Study: Kori is a 30-year-old store clerk. Her low back has been tight for as long as she can remember, but she never had any pain until recently.
What are the self-care and medical approaches to lower crossed syndrome?
For the client with lower crossed syndrome, it is also important to recommend moist heat followed by stretching of the low back and hip flexor musculature.