The following is a brief overview that links the low back condition with its corresponding assessment procedure and its corresponding treatment.
Facet Syndrome
Facet syndrome is a condition in which the facet joints of the spine (usually lumbar spine) are overloaded and become irritated, inflamed, and painful.
A manual therapy case study on lower crossed syndrome.
Case Study: Kori is a 30-year-old store clerk. Her low back has been tight for as long as she can remember, but she never had any pain until recently.
What are the self-care and medical approaches to lower crossed syndrome?
For the client with lower crossed syndrome, it is also important to recommend moist heat followed by stretching of the low back and hip flexor musculature.
How do we treat lower crossed syndrome with manual therapy?
If consistent manual therapy care is given, including heat, massage, and stretching, lower crossed syndrome responds very well to treatment.
Signs, symptoms, and assessment (diagnosis) of Lower Crossed Syndrome
Assessment of lower crossed syndrome is made by the characteristic postural dysfunction of increased anterior pelvic tilt with hyperlordotic lumbar spine.