Successful assessment/diagnosis of sciatica depends upon successfully assessing the underlying cause of the sciatic nerve compression.
What is sciatica?
Sciatica is a condition in which the sciatic nerve is compressed, causing referral symptoms (often pain or numbness) into the lower extremity. The referral symptoms can be sensory and/or motor depending on whether sensory or motor neurons are compressed.
Brief Review of Assessment and Treatment of Low Back Conditions
The following is a brief overview that links the low back condition with its corresponding assessment procedure and its corresponding treatment.
Piriformis Stretch Orthopedic Assessment Test for Piriformis Syndrome
The piriformis stretch test is used to assess piriformis syndrome, that is, compression of the sciatic nerve by the piriformis.
Pathologic Disc Conditions of the Lumbar Spine and Sciatica
A pathologic disc can compress the sciatic nerve resulting in sciatica. Although any pathologic disc is potentially serious.
What are the self-care and medical approaches to piriformis syndrome?
Self-care for piriformis syndrome involves heat followed by stretching. The client can perform either the Figure-4 or the horizontal adduction stretch.