Successful assessment/diagnosis of sciatica depends upon successfully assessing the underlying cause of the sciatic nerve compression.
Straight Leg Raise and Manual Resistance Tests for Strains and Sprains
Active SLR test assesses both sprains and strains. Passive SLR test assesses only sprains… however, this is a bit of an oversimplification.
Straight Leg Raise Tests for a Space-Occupying Lesion
Both active straight leg raise and passive straight leg raise tests are designed to tension the sciatic nerve to assess a space-occupying lesion.
Overview of Orthopedic Assessment Tests for the Low Back and Pelvis
Orthopedic assessment testing works by what could be called “stress and assess”. The test adds a physical stress and we assess the client’s response.
Range of Motion Assessment (& Manual Resistance) – Low Back & Pelvis
This blog post article is part of a series of articles on assessment of the low back and pelvis. Scroll to the end of this article to see the others in this series. Range of Motion Range of motion (ROM) …
How do we assess a pathologic disc?
For a pathologic disc of the lumbar spine, the principle assessment test is straight leg raise (SLR). This can be performed actively or passively.
Signs, symptoms, and assessment of spasmed muscles in the low back
The assessment/diagnosis for low back muscle spasming begins with the verbal history and ROM and orthopedic assessment, and is confirmed with palpation.
Signs, symptoms, and assessment of low back strains and sprains
A low back sprain and strain present a similar clinical picture. The client/patient will have low back spasming and pain, which will increase with motion.