Four of the most common causes of tight muscles of the low back (or anywhere in the body) are: overuse, splinting, adaptive shortening, and overstretching.
Hypertonic / Tight Musculature of the Neck
Tight musculature is the most common presenting complaint that a manual therapist will confront and is a component of every neck musculoskeletal condition.
Signs, symptoms, and assessment (diagnosis) of spasmed muscles in the neck
The most common signs and symptoms of spasmed muscles of the posterior neck are pain, a feeling of tightness, and restricted motion.
What are the causes of muscle spasming in the neck?
Muscle spasming of the neck occurs because of its role in neck movement and posture, as well as it role in upper extremity movement and posture.
What are the causes of low back muscle spasming?
Low back muscle spasming is common because lumbar extensor muscles must contract eccentrically, isometrically, and concentrically whenever we bend forward.
Signs, symptoms, and assessment of spasmed muscles in the low back
The assessment/diagnosis for low back muscle spasming begins with the verbal history and ROM and orthopedic assessment, and is confirmed with palpation.
Signs, symptoms, and assessment (diagnosis) of hamstring strain?
The most common symptom of hamstring strain is pain at the site of the strain. When acute the pain is sharp; when chronic, the pain is usually dull.