Self-care application of heat and stretching is an extremely important part of the treatment regimen for clients with spasmed neck muscles.
More Frequent Massage Sessions are More Effective for Neck Pain
Multiple 60-minute massages per week were more effective than fewer or shorter sessions for individuals with chronic neck pain.
Text Neck and Neck Pain… and Neck Dysfunction
With any imbalanced posture (postural distortion pattern), including text neck posture, asymmetrical pathomechanical forces are placed into the tissues of the body. These forces have to have an effect. I believe it is impossible to argue that pathomechanics do not lead to dysfunction.
Does the Condition Text Neck Exist?
That people aged 18-21 in this study have not yet begun to experience pain as a result of text neck posture does not surprise me at all. They are simply still too young to experience what the physical stress of the overuse of text neck posture will eventually do to them.
Muscle Strengthening Helps Decrease Neck Pain in the Workplace
The researchers found that the only intervention to clearly improve neck pain that was supported by the evidence in these studies was targeted neck and shoulder musculature strengthening exercise.
What are the signs and symptoms of whiplash?
Acute whiplash injuries may result in dizziness due to irritation of the proprioceptors around the cervical spinal joints and muscles of the neck.
Forward Head Posture
Forward head posture is extremely common, especially as we age. It is part of a larger posture dysfunctional pattern known as upper crossed syndrome.
Sprains and Strains (Whiplash) of the Neck
A whiplash is named for the characteristic whiplike motion of the person’s head/neck during a car accident, usually resulting in strain/sprain of the neck.
Pathologic Disc Conditions of the Neck
The danger with a disc bulge or herniation is that the disc can compress the spinal nerve within the intervertebral foramen, causing a pinched nerve.
Signs, symptoms, and assessment (diagnosis) of spasmed muscles in the neck
The most common signs and symptoms of spasmed muscles of the posterior neck are pain, a feeling of tightness, and restricted motion.
What are the causes of muscle spasming in the neck?
Muscle spasming of the neck occurs because of its role in neck movement and posture, as well as it role in upper extremity movement and posture.