Think of the health history as a written and verbal conversation between the therapist and the client about the client’s health.
Verbal and Written Health History
The health history should be done before the physical assessment exam because it helps reveal the regions that need to be assessed during the physical exam.
How do we assess a pathologic disc?
For a pathologic disc of the lumbar spine, the principle assessment test is straight leg raise (SLR). This can be performed actively or passively.
What is Manual Therapy?
The following techniques are considered to be Manual Therapy techniques: Massage (Soft Tissue Manipulation), Stretching, Joint Mobilization, Hydrotherapy.
Signs, symptoms, and assessment (diagnosis) of spasmed muscles in the neck
The most common signs and symptoms of spasmed muscles of the posterior neck are pain, a feeling of tightness, and restricted motion.
Signs, symptoms, and assessment of spasmed muscles in the low back
The assessment/diagnosis for low back muscle spasming begins with the verbal history and ROM and orthopedic assessment, and is confirmed with palpation.