I am creating a new blog post feature to my content called Ask Dr. Joe, or perhaps better put, Ask Me Anything*. With Ask Me Anything, you can write to me by email ([email protected]) and ask me any question about: …
Massage Therapy Continuing Education
The value of massage therapy continuing education is often dependent on learning how to apply fundamental skill sets of manual therapy.
Neck Deep Pressure Massage: Overview
The science of performing deep tissue work to the neck follows the laws of physics and, whenever possible, involves the use of body weight and the contraction of larger muscles instead of smaller ones. The art of performing deep tissue work lies in exactly how these guidelines are carried out and applied.
Art Riggs Discusses a Recent Research Study on “Deep Tissue Massage”
The line along the continuum between “regular” and deep tissue massage is not sharp and can’t be clarified by a list of techniques.
Treatment Strategy and Treatment Techniques for the Neck
Sound Treatment Strategy: To perform effective manual therapy, frequency of care should be structured as in every other world of rehab: 2-3 x per week.
Locked Short Muscles – Locked Long Muscles
Two opposing muscle groups, the “facilitated” muscles that are locked short and the “inhibited” muscles that are locked long.
Manual Therapy Certification for Massage Therapists
There are two major reasons why a massage therapist should consider working toward and earning a Continuing Education Certificate in Manual Therapy.
Manual Therapy Certification for Chiropractors
What is most important in any Manual Therapy Certification program is marrying together the underlying science with the hands-on manual therapy skills.
Manual Therapy Certification for Pilates Instructors
Pilates is kinesthetic. Verbal talking to direct your client is not. Hands-on Manual direction is. Plain and simple, Pilates is a kinesthetic endeavor.
What is Manual Therapy?
The following techniques are considered to be Manual Therapy techniques: Massage (Soft Tissue Manipulation), Stretching, Joint Mobilization, Hydrotherapy.