Massage therapy might reduce a myofascial trigger point by increasing lactate levels, not by directly increasing arterial blood flow.
Deep Pressure Massage to the Low Back – Deep Strokes
To transition to perform deep strokes and maintain proper body mechanics, it is necessary to transition from being perpendicular to be slightly horizontal to glide along the client’s body. However, minimize the horizontal direction or pressure into the client’s tissues will be lost.
Neck Deep Pressure Massage: Step by Step – Deep Stroking Massage
When performing deep pressure massage, deep stroking massage must originate from your core by further rocking your pelvis and extending your spine forward. Short deep strokes to the neck between 1 and 2 inches (2-5 centimeters) in length allow you to preserve optimal body mechanics.
Can massage lessen pain at myofascial trigger points?
The authors concluded that single and multiple massage treatment applications can decrease a client’s pain at myofascial trigger points.
Myofascial Trigger Points (Muscle Knots)
The four most common causes of a myofascial trigger point are: overuse of the muscle, chronic stretch, prolonged immobility, and trauma to the muscle.
Hypertonic / Tight Muscles of the Low Back and Pelvis
Four of the most common causes of tight muscles of the low back (or anywhere in the body) are: overuse, splinting, adaptive shortening, and overstretching.
Palpation Assessment of the Neck
Perhaps no assessment procedure is more important to the manual therapist and integral to musculoskeletal (myofascioskeletal) assessment than palpation.
Hypertonic / Tight Musculature of the Neck
Tight musculature is the most common presenting complaint that a manual therapist will confront and is a component of every neck musculoskeletal condition.
Manual Therapy Certification for Chiropractors
What is most important in any Manual Therapy Certification program is marrying together the underlying science with the hands-on manual therapy skills.
Signs, symptoms, and assessment (diagnosis) of hamstring strain?
The most common symptom of hamstring strain is pain at the site of the strain. When acute the pain is sharp; when chronic, the pain is usually dull.