When you take CBD, it interacts with your endocannabinoid system and complements its function. Additionally, CBD binds to non-cannabinoid receptors, which makes it a viable option for coping with so many ailments. So how else does CBD work?
Regular Exercise Decreases Chronic Muscle Pain
Physical inactivity is a risk factor for the development of chronic muscle pain and may create hyperalgesia (hypersensitivity to pain) in the nervous system.
Infant Touch Lessens Pain in Infants
The major take-home points regarding infant touch from this study are: 1. Touch can be beneficial toward lessening pain; and 2. The quality of touch matters.
Three Helpful Tools for Managing Your Chronic Pain
Chronic pain is so much more than an occasional headache or sore muscle. It is the persistent presence of debilitating pain that can greatly affect our life.
Pain Therapy: How Cancer Pain Can Be Treated Naturally
Massage therapy, cryotherapy, and acupuncture are great non-addictive ways to approach pain therapy for patients with a cancer diagnosis.
Pain Science — just as Colorful, Convincing, and Vocal as the Old Guard
“Given that the physical therapy profession has clearly been wrong so many times before, why do the current pain science advocates appear to suggest that this time we have it right?” Should therapists be so “…blinkered by a single approach or school of thought that they deny, or cannot see, the value of another?”
Text Neck and Neck Pain… and Neck Dysfunction
With any imbalanced posture (postural distortion pattern), including text neck posture, asymmetrical pathomechanical forces are placed into the tissues of the body. These forces have to have an effect. I believe it is impossible to argue that pathomechanics do not lead to dysfunction.
Muscle Strengthening Helps Decrease Neck Pain in the Workplace
The researchers found that the only intervention to clearly improve neck pain that was supported by the evidence in these studies was targeted neck and shoulder musculature strengthening exercise.
What are the signs and symptoms of sacroiliac joint dysfunction?
Because of the tendency of one sacroiliac joint (SIJ) to compensate for the other when motion is dysfunctional, typically both SIJs become dysfunctional.
The Effect of Yoga on Motor Imagery Tasks
Yoga’s health benefits, including decreased pain, are likely in part due to a change in internal spatial awareness (proprioception).
Shoulder Decompression Surgery is No More Effective than Sham Surgery
The findings question the value of shoulder decompression surgery; this should be communicated to patients during the shared decision-making process.
Signs, Symptoms, and Assessment of Spinal Joint Dysfunction
Assessment/diagnosis of spinal joint dysfunction, whether it is a hypomobility or a hypermobility, is done via motion palpation.
Expression of the Endocannabinoid Receptors in Human Fascial Tissue
Confirmation of endocannabinoid receptors in fascial tissue greatly bolsters our understanding of the mechanism of how manual and movement therapies work.
An Interview with Walt Fritz, Manual Therapy Continuing Education Instructor
Are we really able to singularly and specifically isolate fascia…, to the exclusion of all other tissue… to create change? To that I am quite uncertain.
Dr. Tasha Stanton Lecture – New Insights from Pain Neuroscience
Our brain produces sensations according to the credible believable evidence that is present, not just from the sensory information from that body part.
Can massage lessen pain at myofascial trigger points?
The authors concluded that single and multiple massage treatment applications can decrease a client’s pain at myofascial trigger points.
Sprains and Strains of the Low Back and Pelvis
Sprains and strains are similar in nature. When a ligament or joint capsule is torn, it is termed a sprain; when a muscle is torn, it is termed a strain.
Myofascial Trigger Points (Muscle Knots)
The four most common causes of a myofascial trigger point are: overuse of the muscle, chronic stretch, prolonged immobility, and trauma to the muscle.
Neural Plasticity – Learning Posture and Movement Patterns
Neural Plasticity explains how the nervous system learns and patterns our postures and movement patterns, as well as our memories and sensitivity to pain.
Signs, symptoms, and assessment (diagnosis) of ankle sprain
When an inversion sprain is acute, the typical signs and symptoms are pain and swelling (inflammation) in the lateral ankle near the lateral malleolus.
Signs, symptoms, and assessment (diagnosis) of Achilles tendon disorders
The most common symptom of Achilles’ tendinitis is pain at the Achilles tendon. Pain is usually not present at rest, but will be evident upon palpation.