In summary, exercise-based rehabilitation is the best treatment for tendon pain. A progressive program that starts with a strength program and then progresses through to more spring-like exercises, and endurance aspects will give the right loads on the tendon and the best long-term results.
Clinical Tests for Gluteal Tendinopathy in Patients with Lateral Hip Pain
Patients with lateral hip pain on Single Leg Stance and who are not palpably tender over the greater trochanter are unlikely to have gluteal tendinopathy.
What are the self-care and medical approaches to Achilles tendon disorders?
Self care for chronic Achilles tendon disorder includes heat and stretching to prevent tight muscle tone, myofascial trigger points, and fascial adhesions.
How do we treat Achilles tendon disorders with manual therapy?
Manual therapy for a chronic Achilles tendon disorder is aimed at decreasing plantarflexor tightness and breaking up excessive fascial adhesion scar tissue.
Signs, symptoms, and assessment (diagnosis) of Achilles tendon disorders
The most common symptom of Achilles’ tendinitis is pain at the Achilles tendon. Pain is usually not present at rest, but will be evident upon palpation.
Associated disorders of the Achilles tendon.
Achilles tendinitis involves swelling of the tendon; Achilles tendinosus involves tendon degeneration. Achilles bursitis involves swelling of the bursa.
What are Achilles tendon disorders and what are their causes?
Achilles tendinitis most often occurs due to overuse of the gastrocnemius and soleus contracting to plantarflex the ankle joint.