Moist heat and stretching is recommended for a hypomobile sacroiliac joint (SIJ) and/or tight musculature that accompanies a hypomobile or hypermobile SIJ.
How we assess (diagnose) sacroiliac joint dysfunction?
Assessment of sacroiliac joint dysfunction is done by motion palpation, in which the joint is challenged to move while the motion of the joint is assessed.
What are the signs and symptoms of sacroiliac joint dysfunction?
Because of the tendency of one sacroiliac joint (SIJ) to compensate for the other when motion is dysfunctional, typically both SIJs become dysfunctional.
What are the causes of sacroiliac joint dysfunction?
The sacroiliac joint is unique in that it is a transitional joint between the sacrum of the spine and the ilium of the pelvic bone of the lower extremity.
Sacroiliac Joint Injury
The SIJ is subjected to a great deal of physical stresses both from below and above. A sacroiliac joint injury can be inflammation, sprain, and/or strain.