A low back sprain and strain present a similar clinical picture. The client/patient will have low back spasming and pain, which will increase with motion.
Intermuscular Force Transmission along a Myofascial Chain
There is a very simple exercise you can do to illustrate the continuity in the Superficial Back Line myofascial chain between gastrocnemius and hamstrings.
What is in a name? – “Myofascial Release” or “Myofascial Induction”?
At the muscular level, myofascial release (MFR) is commonly believed to ease fascial gliding motion, releasing adhesions between fascia.
An Interview with Walt Fritz, Manual Therapy Continuing Education Instructor
Are we really able to singularly and specifically isolate fascia…, to the exclusion of all other tissue… to create change? To that I am quite uncertain.
What are the causes of low back strains and sprains?
The two most common causes for a low back sprain / strain are macrotrauma and repetitive microtraumas, often involving bending and lifting.