For anterior shin splints, physical exam should include palpation of the tibialis anterior and the rest of the dorsiflexor musculature of the leg.
Walking as a Rehabilitation Exercise for Patients with Chronic Low Back Pain
The question should be asked: Why might walking be helpful for patients with low back pain? Although many mechanisms might be proposed, some likely scenarios are that walking strengthens, stretches, and mobilizes the myofascial tissues/joints of the lumbosacral-hip joint region.
What is the “True” Function of the Gluteus Medius?
The major function of the gluteus medius is its “reverse” closed-chain action of pelvic depression at the hip joint to stabilize the pelvis when walking.
Signs, Symptoms, and Assessment of Plantar Fasciitis
The most common symptom of plantar fasciitis is pain, usually worst in the morning, on the plantar side of the foot, located near the calcaneal attachment.