Foam roller massage is quite popular nowadays among athletes and being recommended to patients by many health rehabilitation professionals as an intervention to augment other manual therapies or as a warm-up before an athletic activity, or as a recovery after athletic activity.
FREE DCOMT video – Stretching the Rectus Femoris Hip Flexor
Stretching the rectus femoris of the quadriceps femoris group. The rectus femoris is the only quadricep muscle that crosses the hip joint. It crosses it anteriorly with a vertical direction to its fibers, so it flexes the thigh at the hip joint and it anteriorly tilts the pelvis at the hip joint.
Other Unusual Suspects
Semispinalis capitis, pectineus, & vastus lateralis are unusual suspect muscles, often overlooked by manual therapists, that can cause pain and dysfunction.
What are the self-care and medical approaches to patellofemoral syndrome?
Perhaps the one most important aspect of self-care for patellofemoral syndrome (PFS) is to strengthen the quadriceps femoris musculature.