Finding a cure for those of us suffering from muscle pain can be a long, arduous process. Luckily, with abundant products on the market, there are plenty of options to explore.
Are Massage Therapy Devices Effective at Reducing DOMS?
Using devices like foam rollers, massage balls and massage guns is a great way to supplement traditional massage therapy and achieve muscle recovery for athletes and non-athletes
Benefits of Post-Workout Massage
Having a post-workout massage will help reduce athletic injuries as it massages the deep tissue, improving your flexibility, and reducing your risk for injuries.
The Effect of Foam Roller Massage on Pressure Pain Threshold
Foam roller massage is quite popular nowadays among athletes and being recommended to patients by many health rehabilitation professionals as an intervention to augment other manual therapies or as a warm-up before an athletic activity, or as a recovery after athletic activity.
Self-Massage Before Stretching Improves Stretching Outcomes
This study validates the efficacy of performing massage before stretching our clients, and recommending self-massage before stretching for client self-care.
Can manual therapy alter the thoracolumbar fascia?
To believe that manual therapy cannot affect the structure of thoracolumbar fascia is to deny the fundamental characteristic of soft tissue known as creep!