There are many types of stretching techniques. Following is a guide to the many different types of stretching techniques that exist.
What is Stretching?
Stretching is essentially a mechanical manual/movement therapy that is aimed at making a soft tissue longer so that we can increase flexibility.
Why Does Static Stretching Cause Muscle Weakness?
Two primary hypotheses have been proposed to explain the stretching-induced force deficit, in other words, the muscle weakness…
Acute Effects of Dynamic Stretching on Muscle Flexibility and Performance
Dynamic stretching’s improvement seems to be related to the increased tissue temperature and increased neural facilitation. Therefore, if the goal of a warm-up is to increase joint ROM and to enhance muscle force and/or power, dynamic stretching seems to be a preferable alternative to static stretching.
The Cross-Over Effect of Stretching
Results showed that there were significant shoulder joint ROM increases following both lower body static stretching and lower body dynamic stretching.