Research has shown that fascial injury with resultant movement restriction caused loss of fascial mobility on the opposite side of the body..
Extrapolating from a Research Study – Foam Rolling Increases Joint ROM
I would like to use this research study and article as a launching board for how we interpret and apply the results of a research study.
Neuromuscular Taping Reduces Blood Pressure in Systemic Arterial Hypertension
This study found that neuromuscular taping was associated with a decrease in mean systolic blood pressure, mean diastolic pressure, and cardiac vagal tone.
Absence of Evidence – Do Parachutes Actually Help Skydivers?
Absence of evidence is not evidence of the absence. Following is how a research review of the effectiveness of parachutes might be concluded: “There is no conclusive evidence that parachutes are effective at helping skydivers.” Ridiculous? Yes. Yet accurate and absurd!
Does Carrying a Backpack Cause Back Pain in Adolescents?
And perhaps the biggest problem I have with this study about backpacks and adolescent back pain is that an overuse syndrome usually does NOT cause pain in the early stages. When the body is physically stressed by something like carrying a backpack, it often requires many years before the overuse results in pain.
Decreasing Postoperative Abdominal Adhesions using Manual Therapy
This study demonstrates that manual therapy initiated immediately postoperatively is an effective preventive approach for postoperative abdominal adhesions.
Does stretching change the myofascial tissue itself?
Long-term stretching seems to occur mostly at a sensory level of the nervous system versus the mechanical properties of the muscle-tendon complex itself.