Muscles of the Posterior Hand – Superficial View

Joe Muscolino

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The muscles of the hand seen in this superficial posterior view are the:

Also seen are the:


      • The dorsal interossei manus and adductor pollicis are in the central compartment group of intrinsic muscles of the hand.
      • The abductor digiti minimi manus is in the hypothenar eminence group of intrinsic muscles of the hand.
      • The dorsal digital expansion is formed by the extensor digitorum muscle.
The intrinsic muscles of the right-side hand seen in this posterior view are the dorsal interossei manus, abductor digiti minimi manus, and adductor pollicis.

The intrinsic muscles of the right-side hand seen in this posterior view are the dorsal interossei manus, abductor digiti minimi manus, and adductor pollicis.