extension mobilization stretch for the thoracic spine on an exercise ball

The Thoracic Spine… The Silent Saboteur

There is an old saying that no posture is bad unless you get stuck in it. The problem is that the thoracic spine often does get stuck in bad posture.

seated Wright's test for pectoralis minor syndrome form of thoracic outlet syndrome

Orthopedic Assessment of Thoracic Outlet Syndrome – Adson’s, Eden’s, Wright’s

Thoracic Outlet Syndrome (TOS) is a very common set of posture dysfunctional patterns. Adson’s, Eden’s, & Wright’s tests are designed to assess TOS.

there are four types/locations of possible thoracic outlet syndrome seen here

Thoracic Outlet Syndrome

Thoracic outlet syndrome is a condition that causes compression of nerves and/or blood vessels where the thorax outlets into the upper extremity.

The greater occipital nerve can be compressed by a tight upper trapezius or semispinalis capitis

Manual Therapy Precautions When Working the Neck

It is essential to exercise caution when working the anterior neck. However, this should not prevent therapeutic manual therapy work to the anterior neck.