FREE DCOMT video – One Handed Towel Traction for the Neck with Shoulder Girdle Stabilization

Traction for the cervical spine is indicated for the client with a pinched nerve in the neck because it opens up the intervertebral foramina to decompress the spinal nerves. Dr. Joe Muscolino demonstrates how to easily perform neck traction using a towel.

cervical spine - superior posterolateral view of a cervical vertebra

Introduction to the Cervical Spine

It is extremely important to be able to locate and palpate the laminar groove of the cervical spine because the thickest musculature is located there.

extension mobilization stretch for the thoracic spine on an exercise ball

The Thoracic Spine… The Silent Saboteur

There is an old saying that no posture is bad unless you get stuck in it. The problem is that the thoracic spine often does get stuck in bad posture.