Manual therapy for iliotibial band friction syndrome is directed toward reducing the inflammation of the condition and correcting its underlying cause.
How do we treat hamstring strain with manual therapy?
The goal of manual therapy for a chronic hamstring strain is to decrease hamstring hypertonicity and help promote healthy scar formation.
How do we treat frozen shoulder with manual therapy?
Manual therapy stretching and joint mobilization are two essential treatment modalities when working on a client with frozen shoulder.
How do we treat Achilles tendon disorders with manual therapy?
Manual therapy for a chronic Achilles tendon disorder is aimed at decreasing plantarflexor tightness and breaking up excessive fascial adhesion scar tissue.
How do we treat overpronation with manual therapy?
The role of manual therapy for a rigid flat foot (overpronation) is to loosen fascial adhesions that are locking the bones in a position of pronation.