We often blame digital devices for bad posture, but before the advent of computers, typical postures for reading and writing were often far from ideal.
Reading, Writing & Posture
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Article – Reading, Writing & Posture
Body Mechanics – Reading, Writing & Posture
The Thoracic Spine… The Silent Saboteur
There is an old saying that no posture is bad unless you get stuck in it. The problem is that the thoracic spine often does get stuck in bad posture.
How To Improve Your Overall Health And Well-Being This Winter?
In this article, we will provide simple but friendly strategies to carry on the winter season with a fresh vibe.
Modify Your Fitness Regimen This Winter Like A Pro With These Tips
In this article, we will help you with some changes that you can apply during the winter season so that you can remain fit and active without any motivation deficit.
How do we treat De Quervain’s syndrome with manual therapy?
Once present, De Quervain’s syndrome (De Quervain’s disease) can be challenging to resolve, but manual therapy treatment can be very beneficial.
PODCAST – Tennis Elbow
* This podcast is AI-generated. I offer it to you because it presents the content in a casual conversational way. I hope you enjoy listening to it… and learn. 😊 – Dr. Joe Muscolino . Purchase the E-booklet HERE. To …
What is Upper Crossed Syndrome and what are its causes?
Upper crossed syndrome describes the characteristic pattern of dysfunctional tone of the musculature of the shoulder girdle/cervicothoracic region of the body.
Pin and Stretch Technique
Pin and stretch technique focuses the force of the stretch on the region of the muscle that is between the pinned point and the attachment that is moved.
How do we treat Tennis Elbow with manual therapy?
A good manual therapy protocol for tennis elbow is fascial spreading, longitudinal and cross fiber strokes, and pin and stretch to the posterior forearm.
Stronger With Age: The Key Benefits of Senior Fitness on Quality of Life
As our bodies age, we must practice flexibility and mobility exercises to combat disability, disease, and issues due to aging.
Back Pain from Sitting at Your Desk: What to Do About it
Back pain is an ailment that directly affects your quality of life. You must take immediate action and increase physical activity to avoid back pain.
How do we treat Golfer’s Elbow with manual therapy?
A good protocol for manual therapy for golfer’s elbow involves fascial spreading, longitudinal and cross fiber strokes, and pin and stretch technique.
The Workout Willpower Blueprint: Mastering Self-Discipline in Fitness
The ability to stay disciplined even when you don’t want to is a key tactic that can help you change your life by exercising. First, start slowly and start today; you will see the results tomorrow.
How Temporary Relief Can Prevent Caregiver Burnout and Enhance Well-Being
This article explores how respite care can be a vital tool in preventing caregiver burnout.
Choosing the Best Medical Answering Service: A Comprehensive Guide
Let’s understand why existing answering solutions may be subpar—and gain strategies for finding the perfect service for your organization.
Pros and Cons of Refractive Lens Exchange: A detailed Analysis
Let’s have a detailed analysis of the Refractive lens exchange surgery and its pros and cons.
What is medical SEO, and what are its various advantages?
Are you a medical practitioner but struggling to get more patients? Is your current marketing strategy of no help? If all the answers are yes then you need to change the way you are doing everything.
Why Athletes Are More Prone to Toenail Fungus
The purpose of this discussion is to explore why athletes are particularly susceptible and what preventive measures can be taken to mitigate this risk.
Important Questions You Should Ask Your Physician
This document aims to arm you with a powerful set of inquiries to ensure your consultations are as informative and beneficial as possible, enabling you to take an active role in your health management.
The Small Barrel and Thoracic Hyperkyphosis
Using the small barrel to help remedy hyperkyphosis is extremely beneficial.
Exploring Nutritional Wisdom: What Experts Say About Muscle Fuel
Keep exploring nutritional wisdom from various sources and make informed decisions to fuel your muscles for strength and growth
4 Tips for Prioritizing Teen Well-being During Exam Season
Let’s dive in and learn how we can better support our youth through navigating exam season stressors
How to Navigate the Search for Supplements Aligned with Your Health Goals
Whether you’re aiming for more energy or better digestion, these tips are sure to be helpful in your journey towards optimal wellness!
How Addiction Harms the Body: Exploring the Health Ramifications
This document aims to shed light on the multifaceted health ramifications of addiction.
Navigating Muscle Issues: How Health Insurance Can Support Your Physical Therapy Journey
From pain to inflammation, different muscle issues warrant attention. Let’s discuss the ins and outs of insurance and physical therapy for your muscle issues.
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Art and Science of Contrology Pilates Certification Program
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3 Contrasting Types of Yoga and Their Benefits
Yoga has branched into different types and become favored by people of all ages and religions. In so doing, it has changed its form.