The results of this study should bolster the value of including massage therapy as an integral part of oncology treatment programs.
How do we treat spinal joint dysfunction with manual therapy?
Joint mobilization treatment (Grade IV or V) is the most effective treatment technique to remedy a spinal joint dysfunction hypomobility once it is present.
Massage Therapy Promotes Muscle Regrowth Even on Opposite Leg
A research study has shown that massage therapy increases growth of muscle tissue after an injury, even on the opposite, non-massaged side of the body.
Art Riggs Discusses a Recent Research Study on “Deep Tissue Massage”
The line along the continuum between “regular” and deep tissue massage is not sharp and can’t be clarified by a list of techniques.
Massage is considered as a recommended treatment for Low Back Pain
For patients with chronic low back pain, clinicians and patients should initially select nonpharmacologic treatment with exercise and manual therapies (such as massage).
Expression of the Endocannabinoid Receptors in Human Fascial Tissue
Confirmation of endocannabinoid receptors in fascial tissue greatly bolsters our understanding of the mechanism of how manual and movement therapies work.
How do we treat Whiplash with manual therapy?
A whiplash/neck sprain is problematic to treat because it involves overstretching of ligaments, which causes joint instability.
What is the medical approach to wrist sprains, strains, and tendinitis?
The medical approach to wrist sprain/strain is usually to recommend rest, a brace, and non-steroidal or steroidal anti-inflammatory medication.
Manual therapy and self-care treatment of wrist sprain, strain & tendinitis
A wrist sprain is challenging to treat with manual therapy because it is essentially an overstretching of ligaments, which causes joint instability.
What are the self-care and medical approaches to rotator cuff pathology?
Self-care for the client/patient with rotator cuff pathology depends on the specific muscle that is affected and the specific pathology that is present.
Can massage lessen pain at myofascial trigger points?
The authors concluded that single and multiple massage treatment applications can decrease a client’s pain at myofascial trigger points.
Real-World Massage Therapy is Effective for Treating Lower Back Pain
After 12 weeks, more than half of the patients reported improved outcomes in terms of pain reduction, and meaningful physical and mental improvement.
Watching your back being massaged improves outcomes
A study from Germany investigated whether watching one’s back during massage increases the analgesic effect of this treatment for lower back pain patients.
How do we treat plantar fasciitis with manual therapy?
Manual therapy for plantar fasciitis is aimed at reducing inflammation & loosening any tautness/tightness of the plantar fascia & associated musculature.
What is the “True” Function of the Gluteus Medius?
The major function of the gluteus medius is its “reverse” closed-chain action of pelvic depression at the hip joint to stabilize the pelvis when walking.
Client Communication – How is the pressure?
The most common question from a therapist to the client is: “How is the pressure?” The usual response is “Fine”, whether it is or not.
How do we treat piriformis syndrome with manual therapy?
Manual therapy treatment for a tight piriformis (that can cause piriformis syndrome) involves moist heat, soft tissue manipulation, and stretching.
Manual Therapy Certification for Massage Therapists
There are two major reasons why a massage therapist should consider working toward and earning a Continuing Education Certificate in Manual Therapy.
How do we treat a pathologic disc with manual therapy?
Traction can be beneficial for the client/patient with a pathologic disc because it opens up the intervertebral foramina of the spine.
What is Manual Therapy?
The following techniques are considered to be Manual Therapy techniques: Massage (Soft Tissue Manipulation), Stretching, Joint Mobilization, Hydrotherapy.
How do we treat patellofemoral syndrome with manual therapy?
Given the many possible causes of patellofemoral syndrome, following is a typical guideline for manual therapy treatment.
How do we treat spasmed neck muscles with manual therapy?
Manual therapy treatment: Manual therapy treatment for spasmed muscles of the neck (tightness of neck musculature) includes all the major soft tissue technique tools. Heat hydrotherapy, soft tissue manipulation, stretching, and joint mobilization (also known as arthrofascial stretching/AFS). It is …
How do we treat spasmed low back muscles with manual therapy?
Manual therapy treatment for low back muscle tightness involves hot and cold hydrotherapy, soft tissue manipulation, stretching, and joint mobilization.
What are the self-care and medical approaches to meralgia paresthetica?
Self-care for meralgia paresthetica: heat and stretching of the involved muscles, and removing the physical stress factors that contribute to the condition.
How do we treat lower crossed syndrome with manual therapy?
If consistent manual therapy care is given, including heat, massage, and stretching, lower crossed syndrome responds very well to treatment.
How do we treat low back strains and sprains with manual therapy?
For a low back strain / sprain, because the muscles of the low back are so large and powerful, the first goal of manual therapy is to reduce the spasming.
Self-care and medical approaches to iliotibial band friction syndrome
Self-care for iliotibial band friction syndrome (ITBFS) begins with RICE: rest, ice, compression, and elevation. And offending activities should be avoided.
How do we treat iliotibial band friction syndrome with manual therapy?
Manual therapy for iliotibial band friction syndrome is directed toward reducing the inflammation of the condition and correcting its underlying cause.
How do we treat hamstring strain with manual therapy?
The goal of manual therapy for a chronic hamstring strain is to decrease hamstring hypertonicity and help promote healthy scar formation.
How do we treat frozen shoulder with manual therapy?
Manual therapy stretching and joint mobilization are two essential treatment modalities when working on a client with frozen shoulder.